Scotty and Hayley – you nailed it!

The exploits of the England football team almost helped to blow away some of the collective ‘lockdown misery’ from the past 17 months or so, but it wasn’t to be. However, we only had to wait a week and an absolute belter of a wedding got the job done in style! As the title of this post says “Scotty and Hayley – you nailed it!”.

When we left the church I was gagging for a pint in the Kings but a WhatsApp message to my son with my order went unanswered, so I got the camera out instead… I didn’t capture every moment (the official photographer did that), and there’s a fair few shots of our extended family, but hopefully there’s something for everyone – and I’ll try not to ramble too much!

This pic was a request as my nephew (Harry) thought he looked pretty damn cool! To be fair he does look pretty cool, but I was also there around 11 hours later when he didn’t look so cool after a bollocking from his mam – although he took it well!
The bride – Stunning!
This was too good an opportunity to miss…
The wife with her boys!
Daisy and Sally Semple
The groom’s mam is in the centre, there were plenty of contenders for ‘best turned out’ but Karen was definitely the pick of the paddock! *Apologies for the horse racing jargon, unsurprisingly it crops up quite a bit!
Looking good, lads!
The bridesmaids looked classy and hours later as the clock struck midnight they were still rocking it on the dance floor in those dresses!
Confetti everywhere!

The groom looked pretty pleased with himself as he strolled down the path with his new bride, and they both braced themselves for the imminent shower of confetti – which was all bio-degradable, allegedly!

No words needed…
The father of the groom also looked pretty tidy, these village boys scrub up well
The Budweiser was living up to it’s name as the ‘king of beers’, it was a good choice on the hottest day of the year so far!
The sister of the groom was another contender for best turned out!
The groom was still looking pretty pleased with himself as he strolled down the boardwalk, the bride was in good form too!
Singing and playing guitar for the bride and groom was Charlie Nord – enchanting! Worth a follow on Instagram too, click on the link or search for @charlienorddj.
The bride and the boss – Jackie from Revolve in Leamington Spa, follow them on Insta @revolveleamington.
Characters? Yes, all three of them!
Mother and daughter – mother’s dress is from Revolve in Leamington.
There wasn’t quite a stampede to the car park/tipis to change, but a fair few slipped into something more comfortable, which coincided with the evening guest arriving.

There was a break to get changed (or just relax for a bit) but as I’d already changed I decided to have a kip in the car instead… and missed the first dance! By all accounts it was pretty epic so I’ll have to wait for the video! Cindy’s grandson (the very talented Laurence Iles) had arrived with three cameras so that took the pressure off a bit and he took some pretty cool pics throughout the evening, give him a follow on Instagram – click on the link or search for @boy_with_eager_eyes_photo.

The break provided a good opportunity for the bride to grab a quick pint!
“She’s chosen the wrong brother, Kev”.
My favourite part of the evening, when things start to happen…
Sinbad and his sister! *You young ‘uns will have to Google Sinbad!
Look at the eyes, you’d have to think that Kev didn’t quite get the trip… although he did get a second wind later and he stayed on all the way to the line!
“I think she got the wrong brother, mam!“.
Paul likes red wine… a lot!

“Where were you while we were getting high?”. 

The last dance song was Champagne Supernova by Oasis, it’s a real banger of a tune (one of my all time favourites) and it got me good and proper! It filled the dance floor and it was as if all of the pent up emotion from the months of lockdown was released in one go – everyone was up for it and everyone belted it out! 

I bunged it on You Tube, not because I think it will go viral, it’s just the easiest way to share it. If you have a spare seven minutes then click on the link to have a look: Last dance – Scotty and Hayley Easterlow wedding.

Andy finally called it a night so Scotty fetched a speaker, a tin bath, loads of booze and some ice – let the party continue! *Nobody was sober enough to work the speaker but we found a solution.
The bride dished some shots out…
Kev was refreshed and back for more…

It was at this point that we decided to bow out gracefully, knackered but happy! Everyone loves a good wedding and this one didn’t disappoint, it was just what we all needed and the top DJ summed it up at the end of Sweet Caroline when he said “Scotty, Hayley, ladies and gentlemen, you nailed it, thank you very much, goodnight!”. I could not have put it better myself, thank you, Mr & Mrs Easterlow!

*Footnote – Mr & Mrs Easterlow have settled contentedly into married life, however, I’m very disturbed to hear that Mr S Easterlow has become a huge fan of Love Island! He’s even posting on Facebook about it – FFS!

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