Fern Farm pig roast ends with a splash!

Sunshine, plenty of booze, lots of people and an idyllic setting. Throw in a nice roasted pig, loads of tasty desserts and a water trough and you have the perfect combination for a party! I’ve been to a few parties at Fern Farm and they always start off fairly steadily, but, when the grown ups have gone home they usually end with a bang. The 2018 end of season pig roast was no different, although it ended with a splash rather than a bang!

It all started off very civilized…

I left just before sunset and one wag suggested that this means I can now be classed as a grown up! I’ll take that, although my early departure meant that I was not on hand to capture the drunken antics, or indeed, take part in them, so we’ll have to make do with some sensible photos… and a few smart comments.

It was a steady start and the pig roast crew were in their usual spot, joined this year by Clive Page, who had brought a few gallons of his infamous home made cider (aka rocket fuel). The Fern Farm team were sampling the Pimm’s and fizz, and Hayley was an early contender for dribbler of the day!

Sinead was feeling a little camera shy, although ‘shy’ is not a word which appears very often in a sentence about Sinead!
Growns ups… sometimes!
Graham was in a great mood, especially when someone told him that the ‘Scissor Sisters’ might be performing!
There wasn’t an award for best dressed owner this year but Derek Freathy would have been a contender again.

The car park was full, the pig was served in the barn and the grown ups were happy – what could possibly go wrong? Nothing… yet!

Some of the boys were turned out late afternoon, as you can see below, they enjoyed it…
“Can we have a Hardwick photo please?” said Jo, “no problem” said I, “say cheese”. They said something but it didn’t sound like cheese…


At this point the banter was flowing, although none of it can be repeated…



Richard Phillips Racing was well represented and the boss turned up as well!
A version of this pic featured on the Claire Hart Equine Facebook page earlier this week and someone suggested that these two may like to get a room!
Above and below – a few for the Keighley family album.
Still acting like grown ups… but sunset is approaching!
Patrick and the mystery purple glass – Claire was (and probably still is) baffled as to where this glass came from!
Uncle Nick did a superb job with the pig again but he struggled with the ice storage!


Best turned out – no contest!

Apparently things escalated pretty quickly once the sun went down and in no time at all quite a few people got very wet indeed! The video is just the tip of the iceberg…

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